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Columbus Juvenile Defense Lawyers

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    Columbus Juvenile Defense Lawyers

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      U.S News

      Dan Sabol

      Dan is the first attorney in Ohio to be both board certified in criminal trial law by the National Board of Trial Advocacy and be designated as a Lawyer Scientist by the American Chemical Society.‍

      Chase Mallory

      Chase Mallory is a firm founder whom has tried over 40 cases and conducted more than 100 suppression hearings. He is a founding member of the DUI Defense Lawyers Association

      Meet the lawyers who make up the legal team at Sabol Mallory LLC. Read their individual bios and get to know more about their education, experience and accolades.

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      Learn what our clients have to say about the work of Sabol Mallory. If you have any questions or need legal help for a criminal charge, please reach out to us right away. 

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      Chase Mallory is incredible. He is wonderful to work with and knows exactly what to do to help his clients. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you've done for me. I highly recommend hiring Chase to help fight your battles. Bless you!

      • Erin R.

      Dan Sabol is probably the best attorney I've ever worked with. Very professional and worked hard to get the best results possible. He will be the first person I call if I need a lawyer again. If you find yourself in a sticky situation make sure you give him a ring.

      • Christopher R.

      I had the pleasure of working with Dan and Chase and I am very grateful!! They did amazing work to help me on my case. They are very helpful and get back with you in a timely manner whenever I had questions for them, which was very nice and reassuring.

      • Jessica H.
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      Columbus Juvenile Defense Lawyers

      If you have found yourself on this page, it is likely that you or someone you care about is facing juvenile criminal charges in Columbus, Ohio. At Sabol Mallory LLC, we understand that this can be a deeply worrying and stressful time. Our team of Columbus juvenile defense lawyers is here to provide the guidance and support you need to pursue the best possible results after an arrest for a juvenile crime.

      Definitions of Juveniles Under Ohio Law

      In Ohio, the legal definitions surrounding juveniles and their offenses can be quite detailed. According to Ohio Revised Code § 2152.02(C)(1), a child is defined as a person who is under 18 years of age. However, there are exceptions to this rule. For instance, any person who commits an act that would be considered a felony if done by an adult but is not taken into custody until after they turn 21 is not considered a child in relation to that act.

      A delinquent child, as per Ohio Revised Code § 2152.02(E), includes any child, except a juvenile traffic offender, who violates any law that would be an offense if committed by an adult. It also includes any child who disobeys a court order made under this chapter, including those previously adjudicated as an unruly child for habitual truancy. Additionally, a delinquent child encompasses those who violate orders made under Chapter 2151 of the Ohio Revised Code, except orders issued under Ohio Revised Code § 2151.87, as well as violations of Ohio Revised Code §§ 2907.39(C), 2923.211(A), 2925.55(C)(1), or 2925.55(D).

      The Ohio Revised Code § 2152.02(F) defines a discretionary serious youthful offender as someone eligible for such a designation but not transferred to adult court under mandatory or discretionary transfer. A discretionary serious youthful offender disposition is one the juvenile court can impose at its discretion. A mandatory serious youthful offender, defined under Ohio Revised Code § 2152.02(P), is a person eligible for a mandatory designation not transferred to adult court and requires the imposition of a serious youthful offender disposition under certain circumstances.

      Penalties for Juvenile Convictions in Columbus, Ohio

      Juvenile convictions can lead to serious consequences, including imprisonment and substantial fines. Some offenders may receive probation instead of jail time, but it is crucial to comply with all court requirements during probation. Failure to do so can result in new criminal charges and the imposition of the original prison sentence.

      Under Ohio Revised Code § 2151.356, juvenile courts have the authority to seal records for cases resolved before a complaint was filed, after the completion of a diversion program, or when a case is dismissed. Juveniles can also apply for record sealing two years after the final disposition of their case. Additionally, Ohio Revised Code § 2151.358 mandates that sealed juvenile records be expunged five years after the sealing order or by the offender’s 23rd birthday, whichever occurs first.

      How Sabol Mallory LLC Can Help

      Facing juvenile criminal charges can be an overwhelming experience, but you do not have to go through it alone. At Sabol Mallory LLC, our Columbus juvenile defense lawyers are dedicated to helping you navigate this challenging time. We are committed to understanding your unique situation and working towards the most favorable outcome possible.

      We recognize that each case is different and requires a tailored approach. Whether you are dealing with a delinquency charge, seeking to understand your rights, or looking to have records sealed, we have the knowledge and experience to guide you through the legal process. Our compassionate and diligent representation aims to ease your worries and help secure a brighter future.

      Attorneys - Sabol Mallory

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      Choosing the Right Columbus Juvenile Defense Lawyers

      When faced with a juvenile crime, choosing the right defense team can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case. At Sabol Mallory LLC, our experienced Columbus juvenile defense lawyers understand the complexities of juvenile law and are committed to providing the best defense possible. Our team is dedicated to protecting the rights and futures of young individuals who find themselves in difficult legal situations.

      Why Sabol Mallory LLC?

      Juvenile crime convictions can have serious consequences that impact a young person’s future. These may include fines, restitution, mandatory counseling programs, community service, or even wearing a wrist or ankle bracelet to track their location. The legal process can be confusing and overwhelming, but with Sabol Mallory LLC by your side, you can navigate these challenges with confidence. We offer free consultations to help you understand your case and discuss your options without any initial cost.

      Types of Juvenile Charges We Defend Against

      Our firm is well-versed in defending a wide range of juvenile charges. We have successfully handled cases involving operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs (OVI), drug crimes, domestic violence and family crimes, theft, sex crimes, weapons crimes, robbery, burglary, trespass, traffic offenses, minor in possession of alcohol, shoplifting, and vandalism. Each case is unique, and our dedicated team works diligently to develop a defense strategy tailored to the specific circumstances of each client.

      Guiding You Through Complicated Proceedings

      Navigating the court and administrative proceedings can be daunting, especially for a young person and their family. At Sabol Mallory LLC, we guide you through every step of the process. From understanding the charges and potential penalties to preparing for court appearances and administrative hearings, our goal is to ensure you are fully informed and prepared. We work tirelessly to protect your rights and strive for the best possible outcome in your case.

      Behind Bars

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      Common Mistakes to Avoid After a Juvenile Arrest

      Being arrested for a juvenile crime in Columbus can be a frightening experience for both the young person involved and their family. It is important to avoid certain mistakes that can make the situation worse. At Sabol Mallory LLC, our juvenile defense lawyers are here to help you navigate these challenging times and provide the guidance you need.

      Talking to the Police Without a Lawyer

      One of the biggest mistakes is talking to the police without having a lawyer present. Anything said to law enforcement can be used against you in court. It is crucial to remain silent and ask for a lawyer immediately. Our team at Sabol Mallory LLC can be there to protect your rights and ensure that you do not say anything that could harm your case.

      Failing to Take the Charges Seriously

      Some people think that because they are minors, the consequences of their actions will not be severe — this is simply not true. Juvenile crimes can result in serious penalties that can affect your future, including fines, community service, mandatory counseling, or even detention. It is important to take the charges seriously and seek legal representation as soon as possible.

      Missing Court Dates

      Missing a court date can have serious repercussions, including additional charges or a warrant for your arrest. It is important to keep track of all court dates and attend each one. If you are unsure about when your court dates are or what you need to do, the lawyers at Sabol Mallory LLC can help you stay organized and prepared.

      Not Understanding the Charges

      Juvenile charges can be confusing, and not fully understanding them can lead to mistakes. It is important to know what you are being charged with and the potential penalties you face. Our Columbus juvenile defense lawyers at Sabol Mallory LLC can explain your charges in simple terms and help you understand what to expect.

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      Frequently Asked Questions About Juvenile Crime in Columbus, Ohio

      When a young person is arrested for a juvenile crime, both the individual and their family often have many questions. At Sabol Mallory LLC, our Columbus juvenile defense lawyers are here to provide the answers you need to navigate this challenging time. Below are some of the most frequently asked questions and their answers.

      After a juvenile is arrested, they are usually taken to a juvenile detention center or released to their parents or guardians. The juvenile will then have to appear before a juvenile court judge, who will decide whether the juvenile should be detained or released until their court hearing. This initial process can be overwhelming, but having a lawyer from Sabol Mallory LLC can help you understand what to expect and ensure that your rights are protected.

      In certain cases, a juvenile can be tried as an adult. This usually happens when the crime committed is very serious, such as a violent felony, or if the juvenile has a history of criminal behavior. The decision to try a juvenile as an adult is made by the court, and it can have significant consequences. Our Columbus juvenile defense lawyers at Sabol Mallory LLC can provide the guidance and representation needed to navigate this complex situation.

      Penalties for juvenile crimes can vary widely depending on the nature of the offense and the juvenile’s prior record. Possible penalties include fines, restitution, community service, mandatory counseling, probation, and detention. In some cases, juveniles may also be required to wear a wrist or ankle bracelet to track their location. Understanding these potential consequences is important, and our lawyers at Sabol Mallory LLC can help you understand what you might be facing and how to best address it.

      Yes, juvenile records can often be sealed or expunged. Sealing a record means that it is not accessible to the public, while expunging a record means that it is completely destroyed. Under Ohio law, a juvenile can apply to have their record sealed two years after the final disposition of their case, and records are automatically expunged five years after being sealed or when the juvenile turns 23, whichever comes first. The process can be complex, but our team at Sabol Mallory LLC can help guide you through it.

      Yes, having a lawyer for a juvenile case is very important. The juvenile justice system can be complicated, and the consequences of a conviction can have long-lasting effects. A lawyer can help ensure that your rights are protected, provide guidance on the legal process, and work to achieve the best possible outcome for your case. At Sabol Mallory LLC, our Columbus juvenile defense lawyers are dedicated to helping you through this difficult time.

      Columbus Juvenile Defense Lawyers Client Story

      This client story is for educational purposes only.

      In the heart of Columbus, Ohio, Maria’s world turned upside down at just fifteen years old. She never thought a simple mistake could lead to such a nightmare — caught in a whirlwind of fear and confusion, Maria faced serious charges of theft. The weight of those accusations felt crushing, and she couldn’t see a way out.

      But then she met Chase Mallory from Sabol Mallory LLC. From their very first meeting, Chase didn’t judge Maria. Instead, he listened to her story with understanding and compassion. He explained everything in a way that Maria could understand, easing her worries step by step. “We’ll fight this together,” he assured her.

      Chase tirelessly worked on Maria’s case, leaving no stone unturned. He dug deep into the details, meticulously building a defense that painted the true picture of what had happened. Maria began to feel hope again, knowing that she had someone on her side who believed in her innocence.

      The day of the trial arrived, and Maria was nervous but determined. With Chase by her side, she felt a sense of strength she hadn’t known before. He stood up for her in court, presenting her case with clarity and conviction. His dedication and experience shone through every argument he made.

      And then, the moment of truth came. The judge’s verdict: not guilty. Maria couldn’t believe it — she was overwhelmed with relief and gratitude. Chase Mallory had not only defended her innocence but had also given her back her future.

      Today, Maria looks back on that challenging time with a mix of emotions. She knows she wouldn’t have gotten through it without Chase and Sabol Mallory LLC. Their support and guidance made all the difference, turning a frightening ordeal into a story of resilience and justice.

      Contact Sabol Mallory LLC Today

      Facing charges for a juvenile crime can be overwhelming and frightening, but you don’t have to navigate this difficult time alone. Sabol Mallory LLC is here to help you and your family in Columbus, Ohio. Our dedicated team of juvenile defense attorneys understands the challenges you are facing and is committed to providing you with the support and representation you need.

      Free Consultations to Discuss Your Case

      We offer free consultations to discuss your case and provide you with the information you need to make informed decisions. During your consultation, we will listen to your story, explain your legal rights, and outline the options available to you. Our goal is to ensure that you fully understand the legal process ahead and feel confident in our ability to represent you effectively.

      Committed to Achieving the Best Possible Outcome

      At Sabol Mallory LLC, we are committed to achieving the best possible outcome for your case. Whether you are facing charges for theft, drug offenses, assault, or any other juvenile crime, we will work tirelessly to defend your rights and protect your future. Our experienced attorneys have a deep understanding of juvenile law in Columbus, Ohio, and will craft a personalized defense strategy tailored to your unique circumstances.

      Contact Us Today

      Don’t wait to get the help you need. Contact Sabol Mallory LLC today to schedule your free consultation. Let us help you navigate the juvenile justice system with confidence and compassion. Your future is important to us, and we are here to fight for it every step of the way. Reach out to our team now and take the first step towards securing the best possible outcome for your juvenile case in Columbus.

      Columbus, OH Juvenile Offense Resources

      Franklin County Domestic and Juvenile Court (FCDJC) — Learn more about the Juvenile Court on this website. You can find additional information about judges and magistrates as well as probation, detention, and services. You can also view a hearing schedule.

      Ohio Department of Youth Services (DYS) — DYS is the juvenile corrections system for the state of Ohio statutorily mandated to confine felony offenders between 10 and 21 years of age who have been adjudicated and committed by one of Ohio’s 88 county juvenile courts. Learn more about juvenile correctional facilities, alternative placements, and regional parole offices. You can also find information on community programs.

      Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Ohio — Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Ohio is an independent 501(c)(3) organization that served more than 6,200 children through its mentoring programs and Camp Oty’Okwa as well as an additional 823 children through affiliated agencies. Use this website to find information about programs, events, and partners. You can also enroll a child.

      Client Reviews

      Sabol Mallory did an amazing job. I was very pleased with the outcome. They returned my calls and always went over everything with me. I would HIGHLY recommend them.

      Andrew Michaelides

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