Domestic Violence Collateral Consequences in Ohio
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Learn what our clients have to say about the work of Sabol Mallory. If you have any questions or need legal help for a criminal charge, please reach out to us right away.
Chase Mallory is incredible. He is wonderful to work with and knows exactly what to do to help his clients. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you've done for me. I highly recommend hiring Chase to help fight your battles. Bless you!
Dan Sabol is probably the best attorney I've ever worked with. Very professional and worked hard to get the best results possible. He will be the first person I call if I need a lawyer again. If you find yourself in a sticky situation make sure you give him a ring.
I had the pleasure of working with Dan and Chase and I am very grateful!! They did amazing work to help me on my case. They are very helpful and get back with you in a timely manner whenever I had questions for them, which was very nice and reassuring.
Learn what you should and shouldn't be doing to help your OVI case.
Dan is the first attorney in Ohio to be both board certified in criminal trial law by the National Board of Trial Advocacy and be designated as a Lawyer Scientist by the American Chemical Society.
Chase Mallory is a firm founder whom has tried over 40 cases and conducted more than 100 suppression hearings. He is a founding member of the DUI Defense Lawyers Association
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Learn more about our teamIndividuals must keep in mind the collateral consequences that are associated with domestic violence convictions. Rights such as financial aid, firearm ownership, and voting can all be taken away from you upon your domestic violence conviction. This conviction can even stop you from working at your dream job or attending your dream university. Because of this, individuals need to be fully aware of the effects their convictions can have on their futures.
When individuals are arrested for domestic violence and subsequently convicted of them, they tend to focus on the short-term consequences. This is understandable; there are many fines that come along with domestic violence convictions, and of course, jail time. However, there are many other long-term consequences that are included if you are convicted of domestic violence.
If you have been arrested for domestic violence or a similar crime, it is important to find legal defense as soon as possible. A conviction has the power to immediately change the trajectory of your life for the worse, and stop you from living a full life. This may seem intimidating, but hiring a criminal defense lawyer can help.
Sabol | Mallory has the experience and legal expertise you need. Domestic violence accusations are never taken lightly, and you need all the legal defense you can get before it’s time for you to take the stand against the prosecution. For more information on how we can help you build your legal defense, call us today at (614)300-5088 to get in touch with a legal expert and receive your free consultation.
When an individual is convicted of domestic violence in Columbus, Ohio, there are many more consequences they need to be aware of. Though you may already be bracing yourself for a jail sentence and court-ordered fines, other consequences may include penalties such as:
Penalties of Domestic Violence
Can the Alleged Victim Drop the Charges?
Will I Go to Jail for Domestic Violence?
By now, you’re probably wondering how you can avoid the collateral consequences of domestic violence convictions. The best way to avoid this is to start by fighting the charge itself. Domestic violence convictions can permanently stain your record, so it is in your best interest to start fighting your charges before it is too late.
Hiring an experienced criminal defense lawyer is the first step towards achieving a favorable outcome for your case. Violent crimes are taken extremely seriously in the state of Ohio, and it is never smart to enter a court of law without a team of legal experts by your side. Prosecutors and law enforcement officers will be there, and they will be ready to do whatever it takes to put you behind bars and make an example out of you in an attempt to discourage this type of alleged behavior. If you don’t want to deal with collateral consequences, hiring a defense attorney should be the first thing you do after you are made aware of your charges.
How Do I Find a Job After a Domestic Violence Misdemeanor Charge? – Finding stable employment after being charged and convicted of a domestic violence crime can be extremely hard. This article by Career Trend not only helps individuals with convictions understand the severity of their situations; it also helps them learn what steps they can take to re-enter the workforce.
Domestic Violence and/or Anger Management Counseling– This link takes you to the official website of Geauga County, where you can find information and resources on counseling opportunities throughout the state of Ohio.
A domestic violence conviction can seriously impact your life and make your future much harder than it has to be. If you believe you are under investigation for a violent crime, or you have already been made aware of charges made against you, it is time to hire a criminal defense attorney.
Led by nationally renowned lawyers, Sabol Mallory is an experienced law firm that is ready to help you with your case. If you need help defending your rights against allegations or charges made against you, Dan Sabol and Chase Mallory are here to help. Serving Delaware, Licking, Fairfield, Pickaway, Madison and other surroundings counties of Franklin County, their firm is on a mission to defend the accused. Contact us here to give us more information about our case and speak with a legal expert about what we can do for you.
Sabol Mallory did an amazing job. I was very pleased with the outcome. They returned my calls and always went over everything with me. I would HIGHLY recommend them.