Understanding Ohio’s Laws on Firearm Possession for Convicted Felons

Ohio has strict laws when it comes to firearm possession, especially for those who have been convicted of a felony. These laws are designed to protect the public and reduce the risk of gun violence. If someone has a felony on their record, it is important to know what Ohio law says about owning or possessing a firearm. Not following these laws can lead to serious consequences, including more criminal charges and even prison time.

People who have been convicted of a felony often face restrictions that limit their rights. One of the most significant rights that is affected is the right to own or carry a firearm. Ohio laws make it clear that convicted felons are not allowed to have firearms. It is important for anyone with a felony conviction to understand the details of these laws to avoid accidentally breaking them. At, Sabol & Mallory Law Firm , we are here to guide you through the legal process and help you navigate the complexities of your case.

Dan Sabol

Dan is the first attorney in Ohio to be both board certified in criminal trial law by the National Board of Trial Advocacy and be designated as a Lawyer Scientist by the American Chemical Society.‍

Chase Mallory

Chase Mallory is a firm founder whom has tried over 40 cases and conducted more than 100 suppression hearings. He is a founding member of the DUI Defense Lawyers Association

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What is a Felony Conviction?

A felony is a serious crime that carries more severe penalties than a misdemeanor. In Ohio, felonies include crimes like robbery, drug trafficking, aggravated assault, and many others. The type of felony someone is convicted of can have a big impact on whether they are allowed to ever own a firearm again. Certain types of felonies, especially those that involve violence or the use of a weapon, make it even harder for someone to regain their right to have a gun. But in most cases, a felony conviction means losing the right to have a firearm for life.

Even if a person has served their time and completed their sentence, the ban on firearms does not automatically go away. This is something that often surprises people. They may think that once they are out of prison and off probation or parole, they can go back to normal life. But the truth is that the loss of firearm rights is permanent unless they take specific legal steps to try and get those rights back.

What Ohio Law Says About Firearm Possession

Ohio law is clear that anyone convicted of a felony cannot own, possess, or even handle a firearm. The law also applies to dangerous weapons like explosives. It does not matter if the firearm is for personal protection, hunting, or any other reason. Convicted felons are not allowed to have them. This includes having a gun in their home, car, or any place under their control. It also includes borrowing a gun from a friend or family member.

Ohio’s firearm possession laws also cover other related items. For example, someone who has been convicted of a felony is not allowed to have ammunition either. Even if they do not own a gun but have bullets or other types of ammunition, they are breaking the law. The laws are very strict to make sure that convicted felons do not have access to any part of a firearm, including ammunition.

Consequences for Violating Ohio’s Firearm Laws

If a convicted felon is caught with a firearm, the consequences can be very serious. The penalties for violating Ohio’s firearm laws can include large fines and prison time. In many cases, the person will face felony charges again, which can make things even worse for them. The courts take these violations very seriously. If someone is convicted of having a firearm after a felony, they could end up spending years in prison, depending on the details of their case.

There are many reasons why convicted felons might be tempted to break the law and have a firearm. They might feel unsafe and want to protect themselves or their family. Or they might not fully understand the law and think that they are allowed to have a gun again once they have finished their sentence. However, it is important to understand that no matter the reason, the law still applies. Ohio’s laws do not make exceptions based on personal feelings or misunderstandings. If someone is caught with a gun, they will face the consequences.

Getting Firearm Rights Restored

There is a way for some convicted felons to try to restore their firearm rights in Ohio. However, this is not an easy process, and it does not apply to everyone. In order to get their rights back, a person must go through the courts. They need to petition the court and show that they are deserving of having their rights restored. The court will look at a lot of different factors when deciding whether or not to grant this request.

One of the most important things the court will consider is the type of felony the person was convicted of. If the felony was a violent crime or involved the use of a weapon, it will be much harder to get firearm rights restored. The court will also look at how much time has passed since the person’s conviction. If it has been many years and the person has stayed out of trouble, they will have a better chance. But if the conviction was recent or the person has had other problems with the law, the court may decide that they should not be trusted with a firearm.

Even for those who are eligible, the process of getting firearm rights restored can take a long time. It involves paperwork, hearings, and legal arguments. It is not something that can happen overnight. People trying to restore their rights need to be patient and prepared for a complicated process.


Learn what our clients have to say about the work of Sabol Mallory. If you have any questions or need legal help for a criminal charge, please reach out to us right away. 

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Chase Mallory is incredible. He is wonderful to work with and knows exactly what to do to help his clients. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you've done for me. I highly recommend hiring Chase to help fight your battles. Bless you!

  • Erin R.

Dan Sabol is probably the best attorney I've ever worked with. Very professional and worked hard to get the best results possible. He will be the first person I call if I need a lawyer again. If you find yourself in a sticky situation make sure you give him a ring.

  • Christopher R.

I had the pleasure of working with Dan and Chase and I am very grateful!! They did amazing work to help me on my case. They are very helpful and get back with you in a timely manner whenever I had questions for them, which was very nice and reassuring.

  • Jessica H.

Federal Law and Firearm Possession for Felons

It is also important to know that Ohio’s laws on firearm possession are not the only ones that convicted felons need to worry about. Federal law also has rules that prevent felons from having guns. In fact, federal law is often even stricter than state law. Under federal law, it is illegal for anyone who has been convicted of a felony to possess a firearm. This law applies to all felonies, not just violent crimes or crimes involving weapons.

One important thing to know is that even if someone manages to get their firearm rights restored under Ohio law, they might still be breaking federal law if they own a gun. This is a tricky area of law, and it is one of the reasons why it is so important for convicted felons to get legal advice if they are thinking about trying to restore their rights. They need to be sure that they are not just following state law, but federal law as well.

If you or someone you know has been convicted of a felony and is wondering about their rights when it comes to firearm possession, it is very important to get legal advice. Understanding Ohio’s laws can be difficult, especially when it comes to figuring out if and how you can get your firearm rights restored. At Sabol Mallory LLC, we are here to help. Our team understands the challenges convicted felons face and the importance of making sure they follow the law. We can provide the legal assistance needed to navigate Ohio’s laws and protect your rights.

If you are thinking about trying to get your firearm rights back, or if you have questions about your situation, contact Sabol Mallory LLC today. We can review your case, explain your options, and guide you through the process. Protecting your future is our top priority.

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