Category Archives: Breathalyzer

How to Protect Your Rights During a OVI Breathalyzer Test

How to Protect Your Rights During a OVI Breathalyzer Test

Facing a OVI charge can be a frightening and overwhelming experience. One of the key components in many OVI cases is the breathalyzer test, which law enforcement officers use to determine your blood alcohol concentration (BAC). Understanding your rights during this process is crucial because the outcome of a breathalyzer test can significantly impact the […]

Breathalyzer Test Refusal: Legal Implications and Defense Tactics in Ohio

Breathalyzer Test Refusal Legal Implications and Defense Tactics in Ohio

When a driver is suspected of operating a vehicle under the influence, law enforcement often employs a breathalyzer to measure blood alcohol concentration. However, many drivers are unaware of the serious legal implications that can arise from refusing this test. Understanding these implications, along with potential defense tactics, is crucial for anyone facing such a […]